Uzumaki Coloring Book

Published: March 15, 2022

Art: Junji Ito Touch up Art: Walden Wong

For those drawn in by the hypnotic spirals of Uzumaki, this is your moment. Start coloring every single one of the spirals yourself!


Kurouzu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is haunted not by a person or being but a pattern: Uzumaki, the spiral—the hypnotic secret shape of the world.

The bizarre masterpiece of horror manga, Uzumaki by Junji Ito, has been transformed into coloring book format. Color in each detail of the spirals and you may fall into a whirlpool of terror, never to escape!

Order your copy here...

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 1:15am

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