Justice League Unlimited: Time After Time Paperback

Published: November 3, 2020

Pencils: Carlo Barberi   Inks: Walden Wong

No matter where...or when evil hides, the Justice League is ready to defeat it!

The Justice League has the best-of-the-best heroes trained for the top of their game--together they can tackle an evil that comes into their world. In this thrilling collection, our heroes jet off into the future where they team up with the Legion of Super-Heroes to try to defeat Kilgore! But the future problems have seeds that were planted in the past. Will the Flash be fast enough to return to his own era and stop his Justice League teammates from dooming the world?

The Justice League also travel to the past visiting Camelot--helping Shining Knight defend his kingdom from Morgan Le Fey and her evil army! And they aren't the only ones going back in time...Wonder Woman, Elongated Man, and Vigilante travel to the Old West--enlisting the help of Jonah Hex, Bat Lash, and El Diablo to go up against the Time Commander!

Get lost in time with this incredible collection of Adventures in the DC Universe #10, Justice League Adventures #28, Justice League Adventures #30, Justice League Adventures #34, Justice League Unlimited #9, and Justice League Unlimited #19!

Order your copy here...


Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 12:00am

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